Recently I found some interesting cards relating to American military men. These were included as a subset in the Topps Heritage product. It seems that there is alot of these inserted into the baseball sets and some non-sports sets.
Although the card below depicts Teddy Roosevelt - it is one of his fellow Rough Riders whose boot leather is displayed on the card- one such Maj. General Austin may have wore these in a charge up San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War. Austin was actually Captain of the 71st Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry entering the war. His wife was also related to President John Adams.

When I was growing up, I always wanted the cool G.I. Joe set with all the accessories - guns, rifles, granades, maps and, of course, a jeep.
What we could afford was the card set made by the Whitman Publishing Company in 1964. It was a good looking colorful set. The G.I. Joe card game was just one of many themed play sets made by Whitman.

One of the drawbacks of today's issued sets is that they are aimed at strictly at adults. A little more play and a little less labor would be a good advice for the hobby.
Nice cards, but where's Snake-Eyes, Duke, Lady Jaye and Cobra Commander?
If there are cards of those guys - send them my way - I'll post them.
We never knew about COBRA or any villians by name.
We had plastic army guys - Americans, Germans, Japanese and Russian - made by MARX.
It was the 60's , man.
My brother and I had this game as kids. Then for many years we used to find a few of the scattered cards in the basement laundry room which doubled as a storage room. Before the internet I hadn't seen those cards in years then a couple of years ago I searched for them on a whim and found an entry like this one on one of those Classic toys/games sites that apparently was also selling them, but they were out.
Right now I am eying a full set that is on Ebay.
@Sal those Named Joe's were created in the early 1980s when Hasbro shrunk G.I. Joe down from a 12" Action Doll to 3" Action Figures. These cards that chuck is showing were from the 1960s/70s Before Cobra and before all the Joes had names. Back when G.I. Joe really stood for his name "General Issue Joe"
@CaptKirk42 - Oh yes, I know. I was being factious :)
Did you know that the original G.I. Joe was actually integrated into the "Real American Hero" storyline of the 1980s/1990s?
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